Automatically type NextJS static component props

December 22, 2024
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Automatically type NextJS static component props

Typing static props in NextJS apps is a bit annoying. This is because NextJS made the questionable decision to use modules as the unit of route bundling. There's an implicit relationship between:

  • a components default export
  • the return of getStaticProps()
  • a ton of other random NextJS methods

This is very hard for TypeScript to properly check, because from the perspective of Typescript a NextJS route is just a module. If you take this view, there is nothing wrong with returning a value from a function named getStaticProps() that doesn't match the type of the input parameter of the default export which happens to be a function.

As a consequence, there's really not very good type inference for NextJS routes - but I've managed to write a few utility types to help.

NextJS is a great tool - but I am pretty annoyed that they made their abstraction for routes javascript files. If the abstraction they picked was a dataclass, i.e.

it would be trivial to type check the validity of our components. Still have a lot of respect for what the NextJS developers have built - you can't win them all :).

Here's the type I put on props to make sure that my types aren't wrong:

The type Awaited<ReturnType<typeof getStaticProps>>)['props'] gets you the output type of getStaticProps()'s props return value. You can use this to establish a relationship between this and your rendering method.

If needed you can also merge it with getProps() via an & invocation. Hopefully this saves someone time in the future.

Happy typing!